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Amazing pictures of 2009

Amazing pictures of 2009

BLEEDIN' Nor-a, is that what I think it is?

Norway's skies lit up last week with this incredible unearthly looking spiral of light.

The phenomenon was dubbed 'Star-Gate' - as the world's top scientists and the military lined up to admit they were baffled.

And this is not the first mysterious sighting to wow UFOlogists in 2009.

In the same year that the government inexplicably axed the MoD department that investigates UFO threats and sightings - despite record levels of sightings in the UK - we have seen flashing orbs, hovering crafts and spooky lights in the sky.

The Empire Strikes Barack

THIS alleged UFO dropped in on Barack Obama's inauguration ceremony back in January.

News footage captured a shadowy object flashing across the sky before the new President's speech.

The high-speed object appears to streak behind the Washington Monument and then disappear into the clouds.

The CNN clip attracted thousands of hits on YouTube and UFO experts are convinced it shows an alien craft speeding behind the 555ft-high monument - but sceptics say it was a bird or a bat

Thunderbirds a UFO!

UFO experts went into orbit in February over this amazing photo of a "Thunderbird" flying high above BOURNEMOUTH.

Excited alien-spotters hailed the picture, unwittingly taken by professional snapper Mark Wild, as one of the best they had ever seen.

The mystery craft - bright orange-red like Thunderbird 3 - was caught in a head-on shot on camera hovering above the resort on the Dorset coast


Britain went into UFO meltdown back in January when a wind turbine in Lincolnshire was discovered with one its giant 65ft blades torn off and another bent out of shape.

Locals were woken by the 4am smash after "strange lights" were spotted streaking through the sky towards the 290ft-tall generator on a wind farm.

There was no trace of the missing blade and baffled Ecotricity power chiefs swore to investigate, eventually sending the damaged blade to Germany for analysis.

The Germans eventually concluded that a bolt failure was to blame.

But a woman motorist told how she saw a UFO zoom towards the wind farm and strike the 290ft turbine on the night of 7 January.
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UFO all hot air

THIS November snap was taken to show a hot air balloon crash-landing on a village - but captured a UFO as well.

Amazed Darryl Hatton realised he had accidentally photographed a circle of five spooky lights when he took a closer look.

He had only meant to get a mobile phone shot of the moment the off-course balloon came down and disrupted power to 500 homes in Abbey Village, Lancs.

Darryl, 47, said: "It's surreal. I wouldn't have believed my eyes if I'd seen it."

Oo arr not alone

This amazing photo shows a UFO buzzing sleepy Somerset, experts believed in February.

The thin slivery shape appeared in a blue sky over a holiday park in the village of Brean.

The sighting in July 2008 brought families flocking from caravans and stopped drivers in their tracks.

The snaps and footage caused an internet sensation and sparked lively debate after being sent anonymously to a local news website in nearby Burnham-on-Sea.

In the video the cylindrical object can be seen moving erratically and maintaining its height, though it has no visible means of power.

Life... but not as we glow it

GREAT balls of fire! These eerie blasts of light sparked UFO frenzy in a sleepy Scots town in May.

Martin Forbes captured the spine-tingling scene on his mobile phone as several glowing orbs shot across the skyline in Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire.

The 21-year-old health and safety advisor said dozens of friends and neighbours witnessed the eerie phenomena as they passed overhead during a clear night in the village.

The two and a half minute video shows several orbs of light rising into the sky travelling upwards into the sky

Shock and orb

AN "armada of house-sized UFOs" was snapped hovering across the night sky back in June.

Banker Scott Boswell, 37, photographed 100 orange orbs flying over his home in Hinchingbrooke, Cambs. He ruled out weather balloons, flares and Chinese lanterns - and claimed: "I've never seen anything like it."

Local Auberon Hedgecoe, 40, said: "They travelled 15 at a time every six minutes."

Great Scot, it's spooky!

UFO experts raved over this sighting in Scotland back in August.

A mysterious shining orb was captured on video by student Justin Robertson, 22.

Justin, who saw the UFO over Aberdeen on a Saturday night, said: "It wasn't a plane. It didn't follow the right flight path and was silent."

Expert Nick Pope added: "It's spooky."